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Why pick one style, when you can have them all?

Adobe is a household name these days; and not just for designers. They span a spectrum of career paths and opportunities. So naturally, they are always looking for new talent, which brought them to our humble doorstep. From data scientists, engineers, researchers, marketers, sales professionals, and designers, they need them all. Go ahead, watch the video.

We’ll wait…



Adobe University




Project Type

3D | 2D | Cel




The whole point of this project was to encourage up-and-coming talent to join Adobe University and to seek a career path within the company. Popular misconception about Adobe is it’s a place for designers only, but their biggest market is data science and engineering. Pretty cool, right? Pst, don’t tell them, but we prefer the design side ourselves. 

It was important to the client that we heard from real Adobe employees and that each voice had its own visual language. Each section was crafted with love and care by one or more of our team members. From super shiny 3D to traditional frame-by-frame animation, we did it all.



Creative Directors

Kory Fenton
Ian Bowles


Ian Bowles, Ben Moffat


Ian Bowles

Art Direction

Lindsey Cowley, Shawn Fritch, Blair Adams, Chris Manfre


Lindsey Cowley, Shawn Fritch, Chris Manfre, Blair Adams, Kory Fenton

3D Animation

Lindsey Cowley, Kory Fenton, Shawn Fritch, Chris Manfre

2D Animation

Lindsey Cowley, Shawn Fritch, Blair Adams


Alex Kizenkov

VO Talent

Alexa Gil, Luis Figueroa, Prachi Agawal, Minato Goto, Chineye Emeghara, Adrain-Stefan Ungureanu, Tyler Jump, Hannah Chandler, Fahima Ahmad


Visual Development


Stylecomps are a big part of our process and we had no lack of comps for this project. In total, we put together 22 unique styles over the course of this project. While only 7 are in the video, we still like to show off what our team dreamed up.


Giving it life


Scripting | Styleframes | Storyboarding | Full Artwork | Animation

Now that the hard part of visual development is over, we only have to animate. Simple... Each style required its own special needs. Our lovely little characters are built and animated in Cinema 4D and they have better hair than everyone at Gantry. Our abstract shape characters were also brought to life in C4D and you can bet each value graph was finessed to perfection.


Other scenes were imported via Overlord or Procreate and animated completely in After Effects. If you aren’t using Overlord already, please, for the love of Krang, buy the plugin! You can thank us later. And let’s not forget the fun cel animation at the end with our little button pusher. Cel animation is a labor of love, but always adds so much life to a video. We use Animate and Photoshop. Just depends on the style we want.



Facts for nerds



A lot… Like, more than we'd like to admit, a lot.


This project went through 7 (properly documented) storyboards. SEVEN. That’s pretty wild if we are being honest..


Crashes were plentiful and often. We averaged 4.7 a day. Which seems mild compared to some of our more recent projects…


We used the whole tool belt. We have a range of C4D to hours of cel animation.


Delicious hair simulations need that time. But if we had to put a number on it, we’d guess 450,000 hours.


27 C4D files, 15 AE files, 22 unique style comps, 1 very questionable procreate file, 3 table flips, and numerous block walks.


 Shall we chat?

Much like dating, you have to make the first move.
You can safely assume we swiped right on you first.